Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) - Pope Francis on Evangelization and Catechesis 2013
Address of the Holy Father Francis to Participants in the Pilgrimage of Catechists on the Occasion of the Year of Faith and of the International Congress on Catechesis.
Homily of Holy Father Francis on the Occasion of the Day for Catechists during the Year of Faith
National Directory for Catechesis
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - 2002
General Directory for Catechesis – The Congregation for the Clergy - 1997
Guide for Catechists - Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples – 1993
Catechism of the Catholic Church - 1992
Catechesi tradendae – On Catechesis in our Time by Pope John Paul II 1979
Sharing the Light of Faith- United States Catholic Conference 1979
Evangelii Nuntiandi - Pope Paul VI on Evangelization - 1975
To Teach as Jesus Did- National Conference of Catholic Bishops 1972
General Catechetical Directory - The Congregation for the Clergy – 1971
Provido Sane Consilio - Pope Pius XI - On Better Care for Catechetical Teaching - 1935
Acerbo nimis - Pope St. Pius X - On Teaching Christian Doctrine - 1905