"The Faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life."
-Pope Paul VI, Divinae Consortium Naturae
First and foremost, in whatever capacity you serve, thank you for your time and talents you give to the Church. As part of the OCIA team at your parish, you are one of the most notable first impressions inquirers will receive of the Catholic Faith.
OCIA Coordinators & Catechists
The Order of Christian Initiation serves as the fundamental pathway for both Catechumens and Candidates to enter into the fullness of communion with the Church. This unity is rightfully made manifest through the common profession of faith and in the communal reception of the Holy Eucharist by the faithful. Formation of those who are seeking to become Catholic rightfully takes on a two-fold, Christ-centered character, passing on both the teachings of Christ and inviting all into an ever-deepening unity with Christ himself, who is present in the Eucharist. (Catechesi Tradendae 5-6) Therefore, in that same spirit, OCIA offers instruction focused on both Catechetical and Liturgical components.
Coordinators - If you are in need of guidance or materials to start or renew your OCIA program, please contact the Office of Catechesis.
Catechists- If you are interested in further formation opportunities or are interested in becoming an OCIA Coordinator for your parish, please contact your Parish Catechetical Leader or reach out to the Office of Catechesis directly.
If you are interested in becoming part of the OCIA formation team at your parish, please contact your OCIA Coordinator, Pastor, or Parish Catechetical Leader.
Below you will find a variety of resources available for both Coordinators and Catechists. If you are having trouble finding a particular resource on our own or at your parish, please reach out to the Office of Catechesis, as we may have access to additional resources not listed here.