Message from the SuperintendentOn behalf of the Catholic education community of the Diocese of Evansville, I would like to welcome you to our website. As you will learn while you go through the site, Catholic education has a long, proud tradition in this Diocese.
Our goal for this page is to provide you, the stakeholders in Catholic school education, one central location to assist you with information and resources. As you explore the content of our site, you will find access to
Extending our reach and communicating with those we serve, we invite you to follow us on Twitter @evdiocatholicschools. We, the staff of the Catholic Schools Office, are here to assist you. Please let us know what we can do for you. And finally, to parents/guardians looking for an education that prepares their child not only for a ministry/profession but to live a life of purpose, I encourage you to visit any of our Catholic schools and experience the difference. Know of my prayers for our priests, deacons, religious, school administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and benefactors. Sincerely in Christ. Michelle Priar Join Us on Social Media |
Shared Beliefs of the