Diocesan Forms for the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
By signing the Diocesan Event Waiver, parents/guardians acknowledge they have read, or are aware of, each of the policy statements of the Diocese of Evansville. Please read these forms carefully.
Diocesan Event Waiver
The Diocesan Event Waiver must be filled out for each event a young person attends. One form may NOT be used for all youth events at a parish. For example, a single form may not list "All Youth Ministry Events at Saint Bertha Parish" in the event line. All questions should be directed to the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, (812) 424-5536.
Diocesan Medical Information Form
The Diocesan Medical Information Form provides necessary information to diocesan and parish staff members and volunteers regarding a young person's health and safety. If a youth is healthy or on regular maintenance medications, one form may be used for an entire school/youth ministry year as long as there is no change in regimen. Any medications used to treat a particular, short-term illness should be listed on a Medical Information Form. Please note: The Diocesan Medical Information Form requires a parent/guardian to opt-out of allowing their child to receive typical over-the-counter medications should they become ill during an event.
Codes of Conduct
Informed by the moral teaching of the Catholic Church, certain over-arching rules of conduct must be followed by all participants, both youth and adults, at any diocesan event. The following Codes of Conduct are not exhaustive, and they may be changed and updated as the need arises. Please read these codes carefully before signing.
Transportation Policies, Permission Forms, and Best Practices
The safety of youth and young adults spans a variety of areas; among them is the way participants are transported to and from events. It is the policy of the Diocese of Evansville that commercial carriers should be utilized when practical; however, at times, other forms of transportation may be used. In extreme conditions, volunteers may be needed to transport young people to events: Such transportation is not part of the youth event; therefore, certain policies and standards must be followed (e.g., the minimum insurance requirements for privately-owned vehicles utilized, etc.). These practices should be observed for all youth and young adult events in the diocese.
In addition to the Diocesan Transportation Policy, all parents/guardians whose children will be transported in privately-owned, volunteer-driven vehicles, are required to sign a Diocesan Driver Permission form allowing for this mode of transportation. Additionally, a volunteer driver must sign a copy of the Diocesan Driver Information Form and provide all pertinent information.
In addition to the Diocesan Transportation Policy, all parents/guardians whose children will be transported in privately-owned, volunteer-driven vehicles, are required to sign a Diocesan Driver Permission form allowing for this mode of transportation. Additionally, a volunteer driver must sign a copy of the Diocesan Driver Information Form and provide all pertinent information.
Diocesan Use of Image/Likeness Policy
In today's media-saturated world, it is nearly impossible to control whether or not pictures, videos, or other recordings are made at events attended by youth and young adults. It is important for parents/guardians to understand, however, how the Diocese of Evansville may make use of images or recordings of young people to promote our ministries.
Child Protection
The Diocese of Evansville works to guarantee the health and safety of those to whom we minister throughout the diocese. All parents/guardians and those who minister to youth should read the Diocesan Child Protection Policy and the Best Practices for Those Who Work with Youth document in order to familiarize themselves with our policies and procedures
Criminal Background Checks and Safe Environment Training must be completed by anyone who wishes to minister to youth in the Diocese of Evansville. This includes one-time volunteers. Please contact your parish for information on the background check policy and to schedule Safe Environment training.
Criminal Background Checks and Safe Environment Training must be completed by anyone who wishes to minister to youth in the Diocese of Evansville. This includes one-time volunteers. Please contact your parish for information on the background check policy and to schedule Safe Environment training.