SPRED- Special Religious Development
SPRED is a parish-based ministry that provides faith formation and spiritual nourishment to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages and function levels. The goal of SPRED is to help children, teens and adults with disabilities develop an awareness of God in their lives; of themselves as people of dignity, created and loved by God; and of
themselves as an integral part of the parish community and the entire Church.
SPRED Brochure
The SPRED Model
SPRED Introduction Video
What People are Saying about SPRED
Catechist Roles
Want to know more about being a participant or a volunteer? Fill out this form and we will be in touch! At this time, there is a group meeting at St. Joseph in Jasper and a group meeting at All Saints in Evansville. Other groups will be forming soon. Contact Andie at [email protected] for more information.