Pathways Step 1
Resources For Participants
Articles to read before the sessions: (Double click on the article to zoom in.)
Session 1: Trinity- Catholic Update “The Trinity: Mystery at the Heart of Life”
Session 2: Sacraments and Sacramentality- Catholic Update “What are Sacraments?”
Session 3: Morality and Justice- Catholic Updates “A Consistent Ethic of Life” and “Catholic Morality… Has It Changed?”
Session 4: Prayer and Spirituality- Catholic Update “Christian Spirituality: Many Styles One Spirit”
Resources for Facilitators/ For Further Learning
Trinity materials
What is the Holy Trinity? (video)
Explanation of Rublev Trinity Icon (video)
Sacraments materials
Rite of Baptism
Background Information on Baptism
Morality materials
Catholic Social Teaching (video)
Bishop Barron on Conscience and Morality (video)
USCCB: Sharing Catholic Social Teaching
Ignatian Examen
Prayer & Spirituality materials
Holiness is What I Long For (video)
"Things in Their Identity" by Thomas Merton
Trinity materials
What is the Holy Trinity? (video)
Explanation of Rublev Trinity Icon (video)
Sacraments materials
Rite of Baptism
Background Information on Baptism
Morality materials
Catholic Social Teaching (video)
Bishop Barron on Conscience and Morality (video)
USCCB: Sharing Catholic Social Teaching
Ignatian Examen
Prayer & Spirituality materials
Holiness is What I Long For (video)
"Things in Their Identity" by Thomas Merton
Pathways Step 3
Resources for Introduction to Scripture
Glossary of terms
Catholic Updates:
- Celebrating God’s Word: How Catholics Read the Bible by Margaret Nutting Ralph
- Scripture and Tradition: Revealing God’s Plan by Margaret Nutting Ralph
- Choosing and Using a Bible by Ronal D. Witherup S.S
- Understanding the Bible By Mary Elizabeth Sperry
- Bible at the Core of Catholic Beliefs By Monsignor J. Brian Brainsfield
- Changes In Catholic Attitudes Toward Bible Readings By Msgr. Daniel Kutys
Other articles:
- How does a Catholic read the Bible? by James Martin S.J.
- Understanding the Bible: A Catholic Guide To The Word of God.
- Scripture and Tradition/Catholic Answers
Books for further reading:
- An Introduction to the Bible : A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture By Stephen Binz
- How do Catholics Read the Bible? By Daniel J. Harrington
- New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Introduction To The Bible By Gregory W. Dawes
- The Bible Blueprint By Joe Paproki
Resources for Sacraments
For Participants
First 3 hours:
- Teaching the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Christian Initiation of Adults from the USCCB
- The History and Development of the Sacrament of Confirmation
- God’s Sacramental Plan: Why we need the Sacraments and the Church
- The Seven Sacraments: Symbols of God's Care
- Eucharist: A Short History
- What Happens at Baptism?
- Exploring the History of the Sacraments
- Second 3 hours:
- What are the Catholic Sacraments of Healing?
- Anointing of the Sick: a Parish Sacrament
- Reconciliation Coming Home to God
- How to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation Today
- Biblical Wisdom for Marriage
- Sacrament of Marriage Sign of Faithful Love
- The Priesthood Today
- Glossary of Terms
For Facilitators